Oak Street Bootmakers Field Boot sizing & fit
Oak Street Bootmakers
Do Oak Street Bootmakers Field Boot run big or small?
Just tell us which shoes in which sizes you wear and we'll tell you whether Oak Street Bootmakers Field Boot run big or small for you.
Get a personal size recommendationOak Street Bootmakers Field Boot sizing compared to 7 other shoes
Field Boot fits one size larger than Vans Chukka Low (according to 1 users)

Field Boot fits one and a half larger than Vans Era (according to 1 users)

Field Boot fits one and a half larger than ASICS GEL-Kahana 6 (according to 1 users)

Field Boot fits half a size larger than Sperry Top-Sider Authentic Original (according to 1 users)

Field Boot fits exactly like Clarks Desert Boot (according to 1 users)

Field Boot fits one size larger than Brooks Dyad 7 (according to 1 users)

Field Boot fits one size larger than Converse Chuck Taylor Core Ox (according to 1 users)