Chippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger sizing & fit
Do Chippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger run big or small?
Just tell us which shoes in which sizes you wear and we'll tell you whether Chippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger run big or small for you.
Get a personal size recommendationChippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger sizing compared to 21 other shoes
Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Allen Edmonds Kenilworth (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs two sizes larger than Nike Free 3.0 v4 (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger fits exactly like Alden Indy Boot (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger fits exactly like Wolverine 1000 Mile (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size smaller than Red Wing Beckman 6" Classic Round Toe (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger fits exactly like Red Wing Iron Ranger (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger fits exactly like Chippewa 8" Steel Toe Logger (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger fits exactly like Chippewa Apache Lace Up (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than PF Flyers Center Hi - Premium Leather (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than PF Flyers Center Lo Re-Issue (according to 1 users)

Do Chippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger fit true to size?
We'll tell what size to wear based off your shoes.
Get a personal size recommendationApache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Clarks Desert Boot (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs one size larger than Nike Sweet Classic Leather (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Allen Edmonds Park Avenue (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs one and a half larger than adidas Originals Superstar 2 (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger fits exactly like Florsheim Kennett (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Sperry Top-Sider Bahama 2-Eye (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Sperry Top-Sider Billfish 3-Eye Boat Shoe (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs one size larger than Sperry Top-Sider Authentic Original (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Vans Authentic (according to 1 users)

Apache Steel Toe Logger runs one size larger than Nike LunarFly+ 3 (according to 1 users)

Do Chippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger run big?
Find out whether Chippewa Apache Steel Toe Logger run big compared to your other shoes.
Find your fitApache Steel Toe Logger runs half a size larger than Nike Lunareclipse+ 2 (according to 1 users)