Allen Edmonds Wilbert sizing & fit
Allen Edmonds
Do Allen Edmonds Wilbert run big or small?
Just tell us which shoes in which sizes you wear and we'll tell you whether Allen Edmonds Wilbert run big or small for you.
Get a personal size recommendationAllen Edmonds Wilbert sizing compared to 23 other shoes
Wilbert fits exactly like Sperry Top-Sider Authentic Original (according to 4 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Park Avenue (according to 3 users)

Wilbert fits one size smaller than Clarks Desert Boot (according to 3 users)

Wilbert fits one and a half larger than Converse Chuck Taylor Core Ox (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits half a size smaller than Alden Leisure (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like H by Hudson Moran Chelsea Boots (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits one and a half larger than Chaco Vade Bulloo (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits half a size smaller than Red Wing Classic Work 6" Round Toe (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits one and a half smaller than Red Wing Beckman 6" Classic Round Toe (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Chippewa American Handcrafted GQ Apache Lacer Boot (according to 1 users)

Do Allen Edmonds Wilbert fit true to size?
We'll tell what size to wear based off your shoes.
Get a personal size recommendationWilbert fits half a size smaller than Bass Buchanon (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Bass Buckingham (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits half a size smaller than Bass Brockton (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits half a size smaller than Sebago Docksides (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Mizuno Wave Prophecy (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits one size larger than Nike Mach Force Mid (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Kenilworth (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Keen Finlay (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like Sperry Top-Sider A/O Burnished (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits exactly like New Balance 880 (according to 1 users)

Do Allen Edmonds Wilbert run big?
Find out whether Allen Edmonds Wilbert run big compared to your other shoes.
Find your fitWilbert fits exactly like Cole Haan Caldwell (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits one and a half larger than Vans Era (according to 1 users)

Wilbert fits half a size larger than Nike Lunarglide+ 4 (according to 1 users)