Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots sizing & fit
Allen Edmonds
Do Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots run big or small?
Just tell us which shoes in which sizes you wear and we'll tell you whether Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots run big or small for you.
Get a personal size recommendationAllen Edmonds Long Branch Boots sizing compared to 32 other shoes
Long Branch Boots fits half a size larger than New Balance 574 (according to 2 users)

Long Branch Boots fits half a size smaller than Wolverine 1000 Mile (according to 2 users)

Long Branch Boots fits half a size larger than Converse Chuck Taylor Hi (according to 2 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Strand (according to 2 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Clarks Desert Boot (according to 2 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Neumok (according to 2 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like PF Flyers Windjammer (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Toms Classic (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like John Varvatos Star Player Leather Ox (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits half a size smaller than Ariat Heritage Stockman (according to 1 users)

Do Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots fit true to size?
We'll tell what size to wear based off your shoes.
Get a personal size recommendationLong Branch Boots fits half a size smaller than Eastland Lumber Up (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Chippewa American Handcrafted GQ Apache Lacer Boot (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Red Wing Iron Ranger (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Red Wing Beckman 6" Classic Round Toe (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits half a size larger than Keds Champion CVO (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits half a size larger than Minnetonka Moosehide Double Bottom Softsole (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Yuma (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Dalton (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Vans Authentic (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Palladium Pallabrouse (according to 1 users)

Do Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots run big?
Find out whether Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots run big compared to your other shoes.
Find your fitLong Branch Boots fits half a size larger than Converse Jack Purcell LTT Garment Dye (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Converse Jack Purcell Leather (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Converse Chuck Taylor Core Ox (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Delray (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Mctavish (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Sanford (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Harbour (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Park Avenue (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits one size larger than adidas Running adiZero Boston 3 M (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits one size larger than adidas Samba OG (according to 1 users)

Do Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots run small?
Tell us what other shoes you have and find out whether Allen Edmonds Long Branch Boots run small in comparison.
Get your size recommendationLong Branch Boots fits one size larger than Sperry Top-Sider Billfish 3-Eye Boat Shoe (according to 1 users)

Long Branch Boots fits exactly like Sperry Top-Sider Authentic Original (according to 1 users)