Johnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe sizing & fit
Johnston & MurphyDo Johnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe run big or small?
Just tell us which shoes in which sizes you wear and we'll tell you whether Johnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe run big or small for you.
Get a personal size recommendationJohnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe sizing compared to 26 other shoes
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size larger than Johnston & Murphy Melton (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size larger than Nike Dunk High (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits exactly like Nike Free 3.0 v4 (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits one size larger than Nike Hyperdunk (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits exactly like L. L. Bean Katahdin (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size smaller than Florsheim Hawley (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Clifton (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits exactly like Wolverine 1000 Mile (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size smaller than Vasque Sundowner GTX (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size smaller than John Varvatos Hipster Chukka (according to 1 users)
Do Johnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe fit true to size?
We'll tell what size to wear based off your shoes.
Get a personal size recommendationBrennan Plain Toe fits exactly like Bass Logan (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size larger than Sebago Salem (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size larger than Timberland Earthkeepers Saddle Oxford (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size larger than Nike Nike5 Gato (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits one size larger than Converse Jack Purcell CP (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size smaller than Converse Chuck Taylor Core Ox (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits half a size smaller than Clarks Desert Boot (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Neumok (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Park Avenue (according to 1 users)
Brennan Plain Toe fits one and a half smaller than Sperry Top-Sider Striper Slip On (according to 1 users)
Do Johnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe run big?
Find out whether Johnston & Murphy Brennan Plain Toe run big compared to your other shoes.
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