Johnston & Murphy Melton sizing & fit

Johnston & Murphy

Do Johnston & Murphy Melton run big or small?

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Johnston & Murphy Melton sizing compared to 1378 other shoes

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Clarks Desert Boot + 0.5

Melton fits half a size smaller than Clarks Desert Boot (according to 29 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Vans Authentic – 0.5

Melton fits half a size larger than Vans Authentic (according to 15 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Wolverine 1000 Mile + 0.5

Melton fits half a size smaller than Wolverine 1000 Mile (according to 12 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Allen Edmonds Strand

Melton fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Strand (according to 8 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Converse Chuck Taylor Core Hi + 0.5

Melton fits half a size smaller than Converse Chuck Taylor Core Hi (according to 7 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Red Wing Iron Ranger + 0.5

Melton fits half a size smaller than Red Wing Iron Ranger (according to 7 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Nike Free Run+ 3 – 0.5

Melton fits half a size larger than Nike Free Run+ 3 (according to 6 users)

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Johnston & Murphy Melton = Vans Old Skool

Melton fits exactly like Vans Old Skool (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = ASICS GT-2170 – 1.0

Melton fits one size larger than ASICS GT-2170 (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Vans Classic Slip-On – 0.5

Melton fits half a size larger than Vans Classic Slip-On (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = adidas NMD R1 Primeknit

Melton fits exactly like adidas NMD R1 Primeknit (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = PF Flyers Center Hi Re-Issue – 0.5

Melton fits half a size larger than PF Flyers Center Hi Re-Issue (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Toms Classic – 0.5

Melton fits half a size larger than Toms Classic (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = Nike Free 3.0 v4 – 1.0

Melton fits one size larger than Nike Free 3.0 v4 (according to 5 users)

Johnston & Murphy Melton = adidas Originals Superstar 2 – 0.5

Melton fits half a size larger than adidas Originals Superstar 2 (according to 5 users)

Do Johnston & Murphy Melton run big?

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