Chippewa Apache Lace Up sizing & fit


Do Chippewa Apache Lace Up run big or small?

Just tell us which shoes in which sizes you wear and we'll tell you whether Chippewa Apache Lace Up run big or small for you.

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Chippewa Apache Lace Up sizing compared to 1415 other shoes

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Clarks Desert Boot

Apache Lace Up fits exactly like Clarks Desert Boot (according to 29 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Converse Chuck Taylor Core Ox – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than Converse Chuck Taylor Core Ox (according to 16 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Vans Authentic – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than Vans Authentic (according to 15 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Converse Chuck Taylor Hi – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than Converse Chuck Taylor Hi (according to 13 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Bass Buckingham – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than Bass Buckingham (according to 12 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Converse Jack Purcell CP – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than Converse Jack Purcell CP (according to 12 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Nike Roshe Run – 1.0

Apache Lace Up fits one size larger than Nike Roshe Run (according to 10 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Allen Edmonds Strand

Apache Lace Up fits exactly like Allen Edmonds Strand (according to 9 users)

Do Chippewa Apache Lace Up fit true to size?

We'll tell what size to wear based off your shoes.

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Chippewa Apache Lace Up = New Balance 574 – 1.0

Apache Lace Up fits one size larger than New Balance 574 (according to 9 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Red Wing Iron Ranger

Apache Lace Up fits exactly like Red Wing Iron Ranger (according to 8 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = adidas Samba OG – 1.0

Apache Lace Up fits one size larger than adidas Samba OG (according to 8 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = Nike Free Trainer 5.0 – 1.0

Apache Lace Up fits one size larger than Nike Free Trainer 5.0 (according to 6 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = New Balance 420 – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than New Balance 420 (according to 6 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = L. L. Bean Katahdin

Apache Lace Up fits exactly like L. L. Bean Katahdin (according to 6 users)

Chippewa Apache Lace Up = New Balance 996 – 0.5

Apache Lace Up fits half a size larger than New Balance 996 (according to 5 users)

Do Chippewa Apache Lace Up run big?

Find out whether Chippewa Apache Lace Up run big compared to your other shoes.

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